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Caverta- for the effective treatment of ED

By ,  Caverta

Caverta is the drug mainly used for treating the problem of the erectile dysfunction which also known as a blue pill. This drug contains active and inactive ingredients in it. The active ingredient of this drug is sildenafil citrate and you can buy Caverta online to experience the effects of this drug as it is safe to use if taken properly as instructed by the doctor.

Mechanism of action:

Impotence in men is the condition where the men are unable to maintain or achieve the penile erection as it happens due to the decreasing flow of blood to the male genital organ. This can occur due to the past history of injury or disease or any psychological condition which also includes stress, depression, etc. This drug relaxes the smooth muscle which is present in the wall of the smooth muscles and increases the flow of blood to the genital organ. The onset of this drug is about 30 to 120 minutes and the effects last for almost 3 to 4 four hours. If the effect is noticed for more than 4 hours then inform the doctor and call for emergency help as it may lead to permanent erectile dysfunction.

Harmful effects of Caverta:

Headache, bleeding through nose, sleeplessness, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, blood in the urine, blurred vision, pain during urination, deafness, nausea, etc. are some of the common side effects which can be noticed after receiving the drug. If the common side effects become severe then inform the doctor about it and seek for help right away.

Interactions of Caverta with other drugs:

The interactions happen differently in person to person. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before receiving this medicine. Alcohol should be avoided while taking the medicine to avoid any further complications. The drugs with which Caverta interact are,

  • Carbamazepine
  • Ketoconazole
  • Atazanavir
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Nitroglycerine
  • Atenolol
  • Warfarin
  • Dexamethasone
  • Clarithromycin

Along with the drugs which are listed above, there are many other drugs that interact with Caverta. Therefore, make sure you inform the doctor about your past history of any disease or ongoing medication to receive the best and safe treatment. 

When not to use Caverta?

Caverta is an effective drug but it should be definitely avoided in the presence of any allergies. If the patient is receiving any nitrate-containing medicine or riociguat. Also, t is strictly not recommended for patients who are not advised to indulge in any sexual activity due to the presence of unstable angina, or suffering from severe cardiac failure.


In the case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, low blood pressure, deformed male genital organ, loss of vision or hearing and Heart problems Caverta is not recommended to use without consulting the doctor. If required, the doctor may prescribe the medicine according to the condition of the patient. It is important to inform the doctor about the presence of any such condition so that the doctor will be able to help in the best way possible. The medicine should be kept away from children to avoid any serious problems.

You can avail Caverta online at the best prices from our site. We assure you the best and fastest customer services as we believe in customer satisfaction.