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Silagra- The prescribed medicine to boost sexual life

By ,  Silagra

Men are now a day bearing lots of loss due to erectile dysfunction. Even when they hear erectile dysfunction they get shattered as getting diagnosed with this disorder means adding a full stop to sexual life. Erectile dysfunction was once said to be the disorder which is been found in men due to increasing age but today this disorder is even been found in young men. To come up with this disorder and cope up with everything men order Silagra 100mg to enhance the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Silagra contains sildenafil citrate as an active ingredient and this ingredient in the medicine is one which works so that men can again be able to achieve and maintain a stiff erection. This medicine belongs to the PDE5 inhibitor and helps men to have a strong erection within 30 minutes. This is one of the best erection remedies which you can use for treating your erection disorder.

Work mechanism

Silagra medicine would take 30 minutes to get active in your body and works the best to get you the desired results. This medicine targets the main aim which is impotence and works on the PDE5 enzymes. These enzymes are the one which doesn’t allow the smooth blood flow to the penis and hence man become unable to achieve and maintain an erection.

This ED med releases the cGMP enzymes in the body which helps the blood to flow in the penile region so that erection gets easy and helps men to have an erection. This medicine deposits Nitric oxide which plays an important role to make the blow flow to the penis.


Before your doctor prescribed you with Silagra 100mg you can bring to his notice if you have the following conditions:

Medical history related to liver, kidney, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, blood pressure, hypertension, angina, stomach ulcer and vision problems.

You are allergic to the ingredients present in this remedy.

You are women or child below the age of 18 years or are healthy men who can easily have an erection without any interruption.

Your age is above 65 years.

Missed Dose

There are no chances that you miss the dose of this sildenafil pill as you need to use this medicine 1 hour before you indulge in sexual activity. As well be sure that you are sexually aroused while you are on this meds. This ED drug should be used only one in 24 hours and if you use it on a regular base then your doctor would prescribe you with the appropriate doses.


Like any other sildenafil drug this medicine too have 3 doses-25mg, 50mg and 100mg. The doses can be increased or decreased as per the severity of the erection issues. While you are using Silagra make sure that you do not consume fatty food or fatty acid as this stuff interfere with the medicine and affect the working of the pill.

Safety measures

  • Do not perform any of the work which requires alertness as this can lead to an accident.
  • Consumption of liquor is to be prohibited while you are on Silagra meds.
  • If you have health issues related to reproductive health then this the use of this ED drug can prove to be risky for you.