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Super P Force- The combined solution for erection and ejaculation issues.

By ,  Super P-Force

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the two disorder which completely has a tremendous effect on the life of the men. This disorder has a direct effect on the erection of men and this sometimes becomes the reason of conflict between couples. Erectile dysfunction is a type of disorder wherein men are unable to attend and sustain an erection. Premature ejaculation describes that men reach the orgasm too sooner or too late and both this disorder have an inappropriate effect on the love life of a couple. Well, it's hard to deal with both the disorder and still men have a solution to disorder which is Super P Force.

About the pills

Super P Force is a medicine which contains two essentials elements as this medicine is been made of two combinations of drugs. One of them is Sildenafil citrate and another one is dapoxetine and both this medicine work hand in hand so that this disorder can get treated effectively in a natural way. This is one of the effective remedies which works against the two weak points of men which are erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Working of meds

This is a dual mechanism pill which works on the erection issues as well on the ejaculation issues. Getting erection and holding ejaculation are two different but a physiological process. When a man involves having a sexual activity the blood enters the penis and makes the organ to erect. On the other hand, while you have ejaculation you need to control your mind. This sildenafil citrate in this med works so that the blood flow towards the penile organ can be smooth and help in causing an erection. The proper working of dapoxetine is not yet known it's assumed that this med helps to delay the semen ejaculation. Super P Force works so that this disorder can be treated on a temporary basis.

Consumption process

  • This med contains two types of drugs and hence you are suggested that you do use this medicine only under the supervision of the health care provider.
  • Never do use more or less amount of dose which is not prescribed to you.
  • It is necessary that you do use this Super P Force pill 45 minutes before you get into sexual activity.
  • Make sure that you do not administrate more than 1 pill for 24 hours.

Side effects

Dizziness, back pain, muscle pain, drowsiness, and headache are the common side effects of this med.  Other than this side effects you can have some of the serious side effects like nausea, heart attack, pain in the chest, feeling thirsty and erection lasting for more than four hours. This side effects can get worse or severe and hence you need to seek medical treatment for the same. Other than this some men can also experience allergic reactions like rashes and if you come across any allergic reaction then do seek help from your health care provider.


  • Super P Force is to be used by men and is not prescribed to women or children.
  • If you have ordered online super P Force then you need to make sure that you do not use any of the beverage which contains alcohol as this can affect the effectiveness of this med.
  • There are certain medicines with which this medicine do interact and hence you are suggested that you do avoid using any of the medicines which do interact and result in side effects.